


Saint Mary’s College expects every member of its community to abide by the 学术荣誉守则.  根据守则, “Academic dishonesty is a serious violation of College policy because, 除此之外, it undermines the bonds of trust and honesty between members of the community.”  Violations of the Code include but are not limited to acts of plagiarism.  欲了解更多信息,请咨询 学生手册 for traditional undergraduate students or graduate and professional students. If a reasonable suspicion arises that you have violated academic honor code, you will be referred to the Academic Honor Council for further review and or necessary sanctions.


Saint Mary’s College is dedicated not only to the advancement of knowledge and learning but is concerned with the development of responsible personal and social conduct. 被十大正规网赌平台录取, a student assumes the responsibility for becoming familiar with and abiding by the 学生手册. 的 primary responsibility for managing the classroom environment rests with the faculty. 严禁学生从事任何活动, 非法, or disrespectful acts that result in disruption of a class may be directed by the faculty to leave the class. Violation of any classroom or College rules may result in disciplinary actions as specified within the 学生手册 and in consultation with the Office of Community Life in the Dean of Students Office.


Saint Mary’s College is committed to providing a safe learning environment for all students that is free of all forms of discrimination and sexual harassment, 包括性侵犯, 约会暴力, 和被人跟踪. Saint Mary’s College employees are required by the College to report to a 第九条 Officer if they observe, encounter or learn of conduct that may be subject to the 第九条 Policy. Our goal is to make sure you are aware of the range of options available to you and have access to the resources you need: (* confidential resource).

  • 援外关怀热线- 24/7 (925-878-9207)
  • *牧师告解室,925-631-4366        
  • Community Life (Ferroggiaro Hall, Suite 200, 925-631-4238)
  • *辅导及心理服务 (Augustine Hall 一楼, 925-631-4364)
  • *Director of CARE (Sexual Assault and Violence Prevention) (Augustine Hall, 一楼, 925-631-4192)
  • 第九条网站


的 College strives to make all learning experiences as accessible as possible. Students who anticipate or experience academic barriers based on a disability are encouraged to contact 学生残疾服务(SDS)的一个部门 学生成功办公室, to set up a confidential appointment to discuss available services and options. 的 Student Disability 服务 office can be reached by emailing; calling 925-631-4358; or visiting the office located in 菲利皮学术堂 FAH190. ADA通用接入, reasonable and appropriate accommodations that take into account the context of the course and its essential elements, 适用于符合条件的残疾人士, are extended through the office of Student Disability 服务.


ITS 服务 is staffed to help with IT-related questions and concerns. 的ir mission is to get you the support you need as quickly as possible.


搜索ing for a book, article, or data to inform your argument? 不知道如何在参考书目中引用出处? 问图书管理员! 研究帮助是可用的:

  • 打电话给925-631-4624
  • 文本925-291-9699
  • 在图书馆网站上聊天
  • 在图书馆网站上预约Zoom

检查 图书馆的Ask Us页面 有关详细信息,.


跨课程写作中心 (CWAC过程)通过Zoom提供实时视频会议, Skype, 谷歌视频群聊, 或FaceTime, 或者只有音频, 通过电话 & 文档分享. 工作时间是下午4点到8点.m. Sunday; 9am-8pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday; and 9am-4pm Friday. 的re are two main services for students – of all disciplines and levels:

写作圈:每周期间, 小组讨论会, students discuss their writing projects for their fall courses. To 加入圈子, students register before or during the first week of the semester.

一对一的会议安排与写作顾问的会面,请发电子邮件 或者用这个 CWAC过程会话调度表


辅导 is offered for a majority of courses at Saint Mary's College, through the 跨课程写作中心, 科学、技术、工程和数学中心, 教程 & 学术技能中心, TutorMe (24小时在线辅导). 辅导 is conducted in both a one on one and group setting by peers and is intended to supplement, 而不是取代, 在课堂上复习课程作业和作业. Information about each of these tutoring centers can be found at the hyperlinks above.


学生成功办公室 它的院系为学生提供人脉, opportunities and initiatives that foster: holistic learning and education; academic, personal and professional development and excellence; degree achievement; and positive post-graduate outcomes from a developmental and strengths-based perspective. 除了学术顾问(教员), each student has a designated 成功的教练 (staff) from 学生参与和学业成功 (SEAS)或 高潜力项目 (HP), who supports a student holistically to build on their strengths, 确定资源来发展他们的技能, ensures they achieve developmental milestones throughout college.  找到你的 成功的教练 或致电(925)631-4800预约.


辅导及心理服务 (CAPS) supports the 情感 well-being of the student body and is committed to a respectful understanding and honoring of the social, 情感, 以及每个学生的文化背景. CAPS provides time-limited individual and group therapy, 紧急和危机干预, prevention-oriented outreach to students at no additional charge. 更多信息请访问我们的网站 网页,或拨打x4364. To make a confidential appointment, please stop by our office on the ground floor of Augustine Hall.


圣玛丽学校有一个新的 干细胞中心 on the second floor of Assumption Hall for students studying Science, 技术, 工程, 和数学. STEM中心将提供一些有用的服务, including: Math and Chemistry tutoring: Monday-Thursday 12-9 PM; Sunday 6-9 PM; "Pathways to Science" speaker series featuring world-class scientists; Social events with free food; and Study space and computer workstations.

如果您有任何疑问,请联系Dr. 罗伊·温斯利(理学院院长


跨文化中心 strives to create a safe and supportive learning environment that values diversity and builds an inclusive community. 通过它的课外项目和服务, the IC educates the campus for cultural competence and social justice.