

Academic Technologies




What is 主动学习?

主动学习策略是“让学生做事情和思考他们正在做的事情的教学活动”(邦威尔和艾森), 1991). 主动学习方法促进技能发展和高阶思维, rather than just conveying information. 主动学习要求学生做一些事情,比如阅读、写作和/或讨论. 他们也倾向于关注学生审视自己的价值观和观点.

主动学习 in the Virtual Classroom:

你是否曾经参加过或主持过一个虚拟会议,在那里你使用了提问和等待答案的典型策略, only to be met with silence? As we get more used to the virtual environment, 如何通过积极的学习策略来提高学生的参与度?

帮助, 我们已经制定了一份主动学习活动的清单,以及如何在虚拟教室中使用这些活动.


Instructors provide students with concepts or terms. 通过在概念之间画箭头,并用一个单词或短语来描述这种关系,学生们可以确定术语/概念之间的关系. This activity can be done individually or small groups.

Virtual Setting (Synchronous):

Use breakouts rooms to create small groups. 学生可以使用Google Jamboard或Zoom Whiteboard等工具在分组讨论室中同时工作,创建概念图,然后与教师分享.


游戏 can be used to engage students and increase learning outcomes.

Virtual Setting (Synchronous):

You can create virtual games using different educational technology. 这里有一个很棒的危险模板,你可以通过分享你的屏幕在变焦课中使用. Jeopardy Board Template


The instructor assigns small groups. Each group is assigned a topic to specialize in. 当学生掌握了主题的材料后,他们回到更大的小组. The original student groups break up and form new groups, where each student is an expert in a different topic. 每个学生教其他小组成员他们的专业主题.

Virtual Setting (Synchronous):

专门小组和混合小组可以通过分组讨论室开会. 为了使分组讨论过程更顺利,教师提前分配小组可能会有所帮助.


问学生一个问题,要求他们反思自己的学习. Have them write for 1 minute. Ask students to share responses to stimulate discussion.

Virtual Setting (Synchronous):

要求学生在空白的word文档、google文档或手写文档中书写. 你也可以在Moodle中设置一个Google表单或使用Journal Activity. 教师提出了一个写作提示通过幻灯片或缩放聊天. Students can have cameras off when they write their responses. After the minute is up, 教师可以要求学生自愿回答问题,或者在课堂结束时收集会议纪要.



Virtual Setting (Synchronous):

Instructor pauses during the virtual lecture, 学生们花几分钟的时间来总结他们所学到的或他们可能遇到的任何问题. (Students can turn their camera off during this time). After the reflection, 让学生们参加分组讨论,两人一组讨论他们的笔记,并找出他们还有什么问题吗. When students return to the main room, 他们可以通过缩放聊天或使用举手功能分享他们的回答.


教师提出一个问题,学生用听众反应系统来回答. Once the students have voted, 他们可以和周围的同学讨论他们对答案的解释. After the discussion ends, 教师可以重新提出投票问题,让学生重新回答,看看讨论后他们的答案是否有变化. 讲师可以分享课堂结果,这可以用来开始讨论.

Virtual Setting (Synchronous):

教师可以使用Zoom或Google Form中的polling功能提出投票问题. After students submit their answers, 可以在分组讨论室中对所做的选择进行同行讨论. After the discussion ends and breakout rooms are closed, 教师可以共享他们的屏幕来共享投票结果并生成讨论.


教师创建不同的学生小组,并给他们一个主题和与该主题相关的学习目标. 挑战学生小组,根据主题材料制作试题. 为了鼓励他们更深入地思考课程材料, share with them Bloom's Taxonomy list of action verbs.

Virtual Setting (Synchronous):

Use breakout rooms to create small groups. 您可以在缩放会话之前分配这些组,也可以在会话期间随机分配它们. In the breakout rooms, 学生可以分组讨论给定主题和学习目标的测试问题. 学生可以通过协作共享文档记录他们的问题, which they can share with the instructor.


Instructor puts students in pairs. 两人一组, 讲师给出一系列问题,并为每组中的每个人分配特定的角色(问题解决者和倾听者)。, these roles will change after each problem. 问题解决者会大声思考他/她的问题以及如何解决它. The partner listens and offers suggestions if there are missteps.

Virtual Setting (Synchronous):

Students can work in breakout rooms during this activity. 教练可以通过加入不同的分组讨论室来检查不同的配对. 另一种跟踪学生进度的方法是让学生在共享文档上做出回应或做笔记.


认为 -学生简单地完成一个问题或教师给出的形成性评估.


分享 -教师要求学生分享回答,并跟进任何教师的解释.

Virtual Setting (Synchronous):

认为 -学生简单地完成一个问题或教师给出的形成性评估. The instructor can use a powerpoint slide, 共享文档, or activity page in Moodle to pose the question/assessment.

一对 - Instructors open breakout rooms for students to discuss.

分享 - Students can share via zoom chat, 共享文档, or depending on the class size the raise hand feature.


Instructor poses a question or prompt to discuss. 然后让学生转向他们的同学,讨论指定的问题或提示. You can set an assigned time limit for the discussion. When it is time to bring the class back together, ask partners to share out thoughts and ideas from their discussion.

Virtual Setting (Synchronous):

Provide students with a question or prompt to discuss. Use breakout rooms to place students in groups of two. Set a time limit and when the time is up, close the breakout rooms. When all students are back in the main room, 让学生讨论他们在分组讨论室讨论的内容.



主动学习 Strategies


主动学习 资源:

主动学习 Vanderbuilt CFT

主动学习 Guide UC Berkeley CFTL

主动学习 Yale Poorvu Center



主动学习. UC Berkeley Center for Teaching and Learning. Retrieved March 16, 2022 from http://teaching.加州大学伯克利分校.edu/resources/course-design-guide/active-learning

Aronson,艾略特. (2000) The 拼图 classroom. 从检索 http://www.拼图.org/

Brame C. (2016). 主动学习. Vanderbilt University Center for Teaching. Retrieved March 10, 2022 from http://cft.范德比尔特.edu/active-learning/