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1. 以论文或同等材料的形式展示学术研究成果.g., 一张海报, 圆桌, 板纸, (或音乐或其他艺术作品)向学术同行或同等学历. 

2. 参加小组、研讨会、研究所等. 这需要大量的学术准备. 

3. Scholarly activity that has been peer-reviewed or selected by a professional organization for inclusion in a conference program (e.g.、特邀论文、主题演讲.) 

文档要求 with the application: Active p艺术icipation includes documentation such as a letter of invitati或 acceptance of paper, 以及程序的初步副本, 或者是一个会议程序的网络链接,上面写着你的名字. **** If you have 不 received confirmation of acceptance you 五月 still apply for funding 和 you will receive 有条件批准 ie. 在提交接受确认书之前是有条件的.


1. 与完成书籍有关的研究, 文章, 评论, 报告, 创造性工作(音乐), 艺术, 戏剧), 科学, 技术项目或其他类型的学术研究. 这包括去档案馆, 面试, 翻译, 购买必要的研究材料, 研究助理津贴, 等. 

申请所需文件:  If funding is requested for an ongoing scholarly project for which the applicant has previously received an award, the applicant must include a progress report demonstrating that the project has entered a new phase requiring additional funding. 



1. 履行会议上的主要行政承诺(例如.g. officers in a professional organization hosting the conference, major symposium coordinator, 等.) 

2. This work requires organizational work in提前 of the conference 和 active duties during the conference. 

3. 这不是在一次重要会议上组织一个小组. 

申请所需文件: of administrative work must be provided with application 和 should include the following: 1) email/letter of invitation, 或2)网络链接, 3)有关行政工作的函电或提纲. 



1. P艺术icipation at workshops or conferences where you are receiving substantial training to improve student learning 和 your teaching effectiveness. 

2. 这是 不 课程开发. 

申请所需文件: 一封电子邮件/邀请函,或网页链接,以及实质性培训大纲. 


1. 出席会议或专题讨论会. 

2. 被动奖励每年的上限为600美元 for (pre-)tenured faculty 和 $300 maximum per year for adjunct faculty.

申请所需文件:  登记收据, 或旅行确认书, 或者打印或链接到描述会议或活动的网页.


Please 不e that funds are limited 和 can only be awarded so long as the fund has 不 been depleted.

A. Pre-tenured教员: 

资金限制为每人每学年2400美元的资金. 活跃奖项和学术研究项目的资助达到年度上限. 被动奖励每年的上限为600美元. 

B. 终身教职员工: 

每个人每学年的资金上限为2,200美元. 活跃奖项和学术研究项目的资助达到年度上限. 被动奖励每年的上限为600美元. 

C. 兼职教师: 


D. 访问教师

资金限制为每个人每学年2,100美元. 活跃奖项和学术研究项目的资助达到年度上限. 被动奖励每年的上限为600美元. 


这些都是 要自掏腰包,但要通过学院的采购政策. 这些要求必须与适当的学院部门购买和批准


Membership fees in professional organizations are 不 typically paid through this fund unless this generates a substantial reduction in meeting registration fees.



如果项目或活动导致发布, 你必须感谢十大正规网赌平台的支持. 


Please 不e that funds are limited 和 can only be awarded so long as the fund has 不 been depleted.

1. 在级别和终身教职名单上的教员, 包括减少服务计划的教员, 具有教职员级别的学术管理人员, 以及重新分配时间或休假的教员. 

2. 符合CBA规定标准的兼职教师.

3. 访问教师.


1. 教师按每门课程签订合同. 

2. 全体教员休假. 

3. 教师emeriti. 


Please 不e that funds are limited 和 can only be awarded so long as the fund has 不 been depleted.



  1. 申请必须由 20th 每月(August-May).
  2. 申请于20日以后提出th 会和下个月的申请一起审核吗.    
  3. 应用程序 必须提交 之前 拟进行的活动.
  4. 八月至五月的追溯拨款申请将不获考虑. 
  5. 申请资助 夏天 活动(5月20日至8月20日)必须在5月20日前提交. Funding for 活动 occurring 之前 July 1 will come from the current academic/fiscal year allotment. 7月1日以后的活动经费将从下一财政年度的拨款中拨付.



  • 充分的项目描述
  • Proof of acceptance/invite (for active funding request):  a letter of invitati或 acceptance of paper, 以及程序的初步副本, 或者是一个会议程序的网络链接,上面写着你的名字. 
  • 登记收据, 申请被动差旅资金时,提供旅行确认或会议宣传册.
  • Sufficient detail about a purchase/fee unrelated to travel; a screenshot of a potential price for example. If funding is requested for an ongoing scholarly project for which the applicant has previously received a faculty development award, the applicant must include a progress report demonstrating that the project has entered a new phase requiring additional funding. 
  • 所要求的总金额.
  • A project end date beyond the current academic year (unless traveling to a conference that takes place at the end of June AND  the st艺术 of July).



如果你在国外旅行, you must submit a Travel Risk Assessment application in conjunction with your faculty development application. 谘询委员会每月开会一次. 未经TRAC批准,资金不能批准或释放. 表格及详情可在此查阅 在这里.


这些都是 要自掏腰包,但要通过学院的采购政策. 


Membership fees in professional organizations are 不 typically paid through this fund unless this generates a substantial reduction in meeting registration fees.



You will 是报销 for your 活动 once you have submitted all receipts AND an expense report otherwise, the award 五月 be rescinded 和 returned to the faculty development fund to enable other faculty to apply for funding. There is a defined fund 和 faculty can only be supported  only in so long as the fund has 不 been depleted. We do 不 know the "real" carryover balance any month without your withdrawals so it is important to be mindful of this.


如果您以其他货币支付费用, 请计算一下汇率,并以美元提出报销要求.

If you are receiving funding from a不her source  these reimbursements need to be treated separately.


  • 每日23-24日:早餐17美元,午餐18美元,晚餐34美元
  • 里程AY 23-24: 0.每英里655美元




交错补偿:如果在你的活动之前花费了一些资金.g., 旅行安排, 注册)这些资金可以在活动前报销, 只要提交所有适当的收据和费用报告. (注:酒店预订确认书不是收据).  每个提案/申请最多只能提交两份费用报告, 这意味着你应该考虑如何相应地整理你的支出和收入.

发展基金:学院可以要求申请预付资金. Checks or E-checks will be disbursed to the recipient approximately 30 days 之前 the funded activity.

For a cash advance of the awarded amount, the request is to be included at the time of application. The advance must be reconciled with an Expense Report 和 receipts (reflecting the deduction of the award) 和 submitted no later than 30 days 后 the event. 这是 to comply with College policy as it relates to IRS requirements 和 to avoid being considered a taxable fringe to the recipient. (如使用金额少于奖励金额, 欠学院的差额支票必须附在费用报告中). 

应用程序 for a Declining Balance Credit Card (which can be preloaded up to the amount of the award) 五月 be found on the 购买网站. The user will be emailed a statement with the posted transactions 和 have 15 days to review, 附上所有收据, 并提交一份费用报告. 如果额外的现金被花费, 然后,教师还需要完成一份费用报告,并附上这些收据.

任何未使用的奖金必须退还给基金. 如果您必须取消计划,必须立即退还全额奖金. 

如果你从你的部门或学校获得额外的活动资金, 这些申请和相关的报销必须分开处理. 


如果您因任何原因需要取消计划,则不会受到处罚. 只需给基金管理人发电子邮件,让他们尽快知道. 


Please 不e that funds are limited 和 can only be awarded so long as the fund has 不 been depleted.


应用程序 for funding through the annual faculty development funds are reviewed from August to May. 像这样, 如果你计划夏季旅行或在7月和8月购物, you will need to submit your application 之前 May 20th in order for it to be reviewed 和 approved. 在此期间,我们坚持以下政策:

  • 申请必须在活动前提交.
  • 申请必须在活动开始前得到批准
  • 在收到费用报告和收据后报销.

也就是说, 如果你收到一个意想不到的邀请, 最后一刻机会来了, or a paper was accepted for presentation during the 夏天 at the last minute we want to be able to support that also. 7月和8月的活动在最后一刻需要意外的资金支持: 

  1. 申请必须在您离开参加活动或购买之前提交.
  2. 申请将在8月20日之后进行审核. 
  3. 由于异常情况,申请*五月 被追溯批准 夏天 活动. 
  4. 报销将在8月20日之后批准th,一旦费用报告和收据提交.

*申请不获资助. 它需要通过常规的审查程序. 


All receipts for 活动 involving travel or purchases 之前 to the end of the academic year 必须提交 in提前 of the end of the 学术/预算年度; 6月30日. 

换一种方式说, if you spent money from your annual faculty award for travel that took place between July 1 和 the following 6月30日 you must submit receipts 之前 6月30日. 为了会计目的,活动 报销必须在 相同 学术/预算年度. 您的报销请求将在6月30日或之前处理. 

如果你提交报销 July 1, for travel that took place between July 1 和 6月30日 of the academic year just ended you 不会 是报销. 随着学院预算从一年转到下一年, we must make sure that all monies are paid out of the  fund 之前 the new 学术/预算年度 st艺术s.  

我们认识到,6月中下旬是旅行的一个紧张转机, 特别是对于跨越两个学年的旅行. 在这种情况下,我们非常愿意与您在个案的基础上合作. 

Any requests for reimbursement for travel 和 purchases that take place between July 1 和 August 20th will be processed 后 August 21st.

TRAC为大学赞助的校外活动提供风险评估, 包括学术国际和国内旅游项目, 体育旅游, 由学院赞助的旅行, 工作人员, 和学生(包括会议旅行), 在校外进行的研究, 和 club-sponsored 活动 like alternative spring breaks sponsored or hosted by campus organizations). 本协议仅适用于风险管理.  除此表格外,还需要任何其他批准(主席、董事、副总裁).

请在旅行前至少一个月提交此表格供TRAC审核.  如果您有任何问题,请联系2023 - 2024年TRAC主席Sarah Dempsey sdd4@lscarpet.net.

当为大学业务旅行和使用教师发展资金时, 教师必须填写TRAC表格并将其附在申请中. 这是必须的 之前 拨款已获批准. 

