
So, you're interested in becoming a 文字之河 Regional Coordinator? 以下是你需要知道的所有事情. 


The Center for Environmental Literacy is not onboarding new 文字之河 regional coordinators at this time. If you would like to participate in the 文字之河 competition as a group facilitator, 请提交参赛作品 在这里



If you value environmental literacy among 学生 and 社区, if you are committed to teaching the art and poetry of place to young people, 文字之河 may be the program for your 社区! 

自1995年以来, 文字之河 has encouraged young people to explore and savor the watersheds w在这里 they live and has trained educators to guide them with inspiration and passion. 文字之河 strives to foster a sense of belonging, 亲属关系, 以及对他们居住的地方的管理.

ROW reaches thousands of educators and young people around the world. 我们该怎么做呢? 

  • 通过我们的年度竞赛, which is merely a vehicle for 社区 building, creates a space for 学生 to submit their poetry and art. 了解更多十大网赌平台的年度比赛.
  • By bringing our Watershed Explorer curriculum into classrooms 
  • By celebrating the imagination and creativity of young people through art galleries, 诗歌朗诵和社区活动
  • By providing professional development opportunities, 支持, and educational services to educator in the classrooms
  • 巡回展览和社区项目


问问你自己,“为什么是文字之河??" Ground yourself in a mission statement that will help you and your team move towards your goals as a Regional Coordinator. 你可能需要考虑以下问题:

  • 你打算在哪个地区工作?
  • Are you planning to work with a 学校, or other organization?
  • Is t在这里 a specific environmental cause in this region you would like to focus on?
  • 当地有哪些可用的资源? (Artists, naturalists, writers, book stores, museums...)
  • 你想完成什么?
  • What effect do you want 文字之河 to have on your 社区?


Community 支持 is an important component of 文字之河. So, how will you build your region's 文字之河 Community? 

  • Consider individuals of all backgrounds as potential partners (media, 学校董事会, 父母, 学生, 地方艺术委员会, 环保组织, 企业...) as each can contribute its own particular expertise, resources, contacts, and funding. 这种伙伴关系并非必不可少, but giving 学生’ work and concerns a wider audience can engage them more fully in the process.
  • Create opportunities to engage with local groups: exchange ideas, 讨论问题, address education and/or watershed protection challenges, 提高意识的策略, and benefits of a partnership with 文字之河.
  • If you are 学校-based, encourage your fellow teachers to be involved in 文字之河. 科学之间的合作, 语言艺术, 社会研究, and art teachers have produced wonderful poems and paintings and led to 社区-service projects like creek clean-ups and 学校 gardens.
  • Collect examples of local and regional nature writing and landscape art. 问问当地的图书馆, 大学, or regional center for the Book to help you research your region’s literary and artistic heritage.
  • 连接其他地区的文字之河.


How will your region engage with young people around poetry and art? You will want to create a time and space for 学生 to reflect and create. 

  • Hold poetry and art workshops for 学生 in your area.
  • Invite 学生 to local poetry readings and/or art galleries.
  • 邀请当地诗人, 艺术家, and environmentalists into the space to enrich the Watershed Explorer curriculum. 
  • Host field trips to local environmental centers, 公园, 荒野, 城市中的绿地, and/or local creeks to try to involve 学生 first-hand in elements of their watershed. Repeat visits to the site are best, and allow 学生 to note seasonal and other changes.
  • Many teachers incorporate a “service learning” component in their ROW projects, 比如水质监测, 植树, 园艺, 或者小溪清理.


Every year the International 文字之河 Program at Saint Mary's College of California hosts an awards ceremony to celebrate 学生 who have had their poetry and art selected for publication in the 文字之河 anthology. 

Finding the best way to celebrate your 学生, you may consider:

  • Curate poetry readings, and/or a student art gallery
  • Have exhibits of student art and poetry in local 社区 spaces (library, 学校, 娱乐中心, 等.)
  • Provide 学生 with awards/certificates for their participation.
  • Publish art and poetry of 学生 online or in a physical publication.
  • Share student art and poetry in long-lasting 社区 structures, 通过斑块, 明信片, 选集》等.



  • 文字之河: 
  • Additional education resources can be found on our 教育工作者 页面


Learn from other thriving 文字之河 Regional Programs!

需要额外的资源? Call local water or park districts, museums, conservation, and arts organizations. They’re often generous about sharing their naturalists, poets, 艺术家, videos, and maps, 等.