

Welcome to the 公共历史 page! Here you will find blog posts from our students' experiences in 公共历史, information about cultural months, and important events!


english 366 public history and the power of storytelling flyer

HIGHLIGHTING 历史小, '11 Camilia Taylor's Important Contribution to Women's 历史 during Women's 历史 Month

Read the article below about Black Catholic Women's 历史!

Read the Article 在这里


Crisis in Ukraine, A Panel with Faculty Experts

日期 & TIME: Tuesday, March 15, 2022 - 5:30 p.m. 到晚上7点.m.

Meeting Registration

The 历史系 with the NEH invite you to join our campus scholars in a panel discussion on the crisis in Ukraine on Tuesday, 3月15日下午5:30. This multi-disciplinary panel will provide background and insights through the lenses of Politics (Suzi Weissman), Economics (Anna Maximova), and 历史 (Dana Sherry) to help us understand and process the events that continue to unfold in the news headlines. Aeleah Soine will moderate the discussion and will open it up for audience Q&A在最后. 点击 在这里 or on the red Registration link below to register for this Zoom event. 变焦链接


group of people standing next to and talking about a mural
SMC 1项 students in San Francisco, 1/2018. Photo: Gerry Serrano.


By Victoria Vidales, 历史 Major ‘21

Asian Pacific American Heritage Month (APAHM) is a time to celebrate and honor the beautiful cultures of Asian and Pacific American communities. Throughout this month Saint Mary’s will be hosting several informative and educational events to alert the college community to issues that directly affect Asian and Pacific Islander Americans. During the past year... 继续阅读

Timeline of Anti-Asian Legislation and Violence


tom brown staring to the right of the camera

Former Dean, Tom Brown, speaks with La Hermandad

By Annaliese Martinez (Ethnic Studies and English Major)

The talk by former Saint Mary’s Dean Tom Brown made me even more grateful to be a student at Saint Mary’s. During my time at Saint Mary’s, I’ve often reflected on the struggle and sacrifice my family has gone through in order for me to attend college, but I had little knowledge about the sacrifices former students made in order to make the campus more inclusive. I was astonished by how former SMC students willingly gave up their professional basketball careers by protesting Dean of Students Odell Johnson’s termination, or how students fasted in the Chapel to demand better conditions for students of color, and I know that as a Mexican-American, I would not be able to attend Saint Mary’s College were it not for the activism of these students. What stood out to me the most from Tom’s presentation was when he shared students’ demands from the Chapel fast decades ago. While many of the demands are still relevant to our current climate and there is still work to be done, I'm grateful to the 历史系 for sponsoring La Hermandad and allowing us to have these important conversations.

点击 Here for the Recording of the Event!

woman posed on top of a statue

How We Mourn, Where We Remember

Curation by Melinda James and Susannah Smith

If memorials and monuments are how we share and shape a collective narrative, how are certain narratives being told?


image of lincoln memorial

Monuments of America 历史

As my time in Washington D.C. 结束了, I am saddened by the thought that I won’t start and end my days walking through the National Mall. 每天早上...