

Theatre Productions: 1993-2024


莎士比亚的 A Midsummer Night's Dream adapted and directed by M. 格雷厄姆史密斯

Send It to the Moon: A Circle of Short Plays under the direction of the 剧院项目 Class of '24



The Caucasian Chalk Circle 伯托尔特·布莱希特著. Directed and Translated by Domenique Lozano

Earthchild & The Waking Up: An Eco-Drama for Young Audiences written and directed by Daniel Larlham

柳树 & Houston Throw the Grad Party of the F*cking Century灯光音乐混搭
Creative Team under the direction of the 剧院项目 Class of '23



每个人都 by Branden Jacobs-Jenkins. Directed by Daniel Larlham (舞蹈的国家, 谎言学校, 第十二夜, [2])

保持真实: 10th Annual Festival of One Act Plays
Creative Team under the direction of the 剧院项目 Class of '22



舞蹈的国家 克莱尔·巴伦. Directed by Daniel Larlham

Playwright Clare Barron in Conversation
10月星期五. 23, 2020 6:00-7:00 pm
The playwright takes us inside her writing process and shares the artistic goals and personal experiences behind 舞蹈的国家. Director Daniel Larlham moderates.

New Works Festival: Our Gendered Present in Conversation with our Past 学生剧作家写的Artistic direction by Amissa Miller and Deanna Zibello; individual works directed by students.

Children's Tales from Around the Globe directed by Cathy Davalos. JanTerm children's show featuring Dance Theatre:

收集的圆 by Karen Ann Daniels (with help from the SMC students). Directed by Victor Malana Maog. 音乐总监:Dr. Sixto F. 蒙特西诺斯小.; Choreographer: Antonio Brown.



这是现代艺术 by Kevin Coval and Idris Goodwin. Directed by Amissa Miller

夏洛特的网 adapted by Joseph Robinette. Directed by Will Huddleston  [Jan Term]

谎言学校 大卫·艾夫斯. Directed by Daniel Larlham (canceled due to Covid-19)



三个姐妹 安东·契诃夫. 导演:弗兰克·默里

纳尔逊小姐失踪! 阿拉德和马歇尔. 书、音乐 & 歌词由琼·库欣创作. Directed by Will Huddleston [Jan Term]

歌舞表演 作者:坎德和埃布. 导演:乔恩·特雷西

Under 30: A Festival of One-acts 学生剧作家写的Artistic direction by Daniel Larlham; individual works directed by students



...and Jesus Moonwalks the Mississippi 马库斯·加德利. Directed Ken Prestininzi

猫和靴子 adapted and directed by Will Huddleston [Jan Term]

Impure Thoughts (without apology) Ken Prestininzi. Directed by Rebecca Engle

Under 30: A Festival of One-acts 学生剧作家写的Artistic direction by Lisa Marie Rollins; individual works directed by students



第十二夜 莎士比亚的. Directed by Daniel Larlham

晚安,月亮 book/music/lyrics by Chad Henry. Directed by Will Huddleston [Jan Term]

在山庄 林-曼努埃尔·米兰达著. 导演:尼克·加布里埃尔

365场比赛/365天 苏珊-洛里·帕克斯. Artistic direction by Lisa Marie Rollins; individual selections directed by students 



Chaste (an awful comedy) Ken Prestininzi. Directed by Rebecca Engle

夏洛特的网 adapted by Joseph Robinette. Directed by Will Huddleston  [Jan Term]

[2] 在阿里斯托芬. Directed by Daniel Larlham

汽车播放 学生剧作家写的Artistic direction by Rebecca Engle; individual scripts written and directed by students



任何人都会吹口哨 斯蒂芬·桑德海姆著. Directed by Frank Murray

The Adventures of Pinocchio adapted and directed by Will Huddleston  [Jan Term]

The Good Person of Setzuan 伯托尔特·布莱希特著. Directed by Daniel Larlham

Under 30: A Festival of One-acts 学生剧作家写的Artistic direction by Lisa Marie Rollins; individual works directed by students



And when we awoke there was light and light 劳拉·杰敏. Directed by Susannah Martin

猫和靴子 adapted and directed by Michael Cook [Jan Term]

安提戈涅(s) 在索福克勒斯. Directed by Frank Murray



春天的觉醒 作者:Frank Wedekind,书 & 歌词由Steven Sater创作. 导演:里德·戴维斯 [Jan Term]

《心灵的谎言 作者:Sam Shepard. Directed by Frank Murray



盒子里的六月 奥克塔维奥·索利斯. Directed by Rebecca Engle

《韩赛尔和格莱特dapted and directed by Michael Cook [Jan Term]

假想的无效 在莫里哀. 导演:里德·戴维斯



Angels in America, Part One: Millenium Approaches 托尼·库什纳. 导演:里德·戴维斯

Snow 白色 and the Seven Dwarfs adapted and directed by Michael Cook [Jan Term]

我们中间的天使, traditional Medieval cycle plays. Directed by Frank Murray



在夫人. 》的政党 adapted from Virginia Woolf stories. Directed by Delia MacDougall

瑞普·凡·温克尔dapted and directed by Michael Cook [Jan Term]

安吉拉·桑蒂洛的《十大正规网赌平台》. Directed by Rebecca Engle



丰富 贝丝·亨利. Directed by Rebecca Engle

侏儒怪一dapted and directed by Michael Cook [Jan Term]

《十大网赌平台》 斯蒂芬·桑德海姆著. 导演:里德·戴维斯



第十二夜 威廉·莎士比亚. 导演:里德·戴维斯

Goldilocks and the Three Bears adapted and directed by Michael Cook [Jan Term]

17个理由 拿俄米Iizuka. Directed by Catherine Castellanos



这灯 奥克塔维奥·索利斯. Directed by Rebecca Engle

燕子之歌 written and directed by Michael Cook [Jan Term]

Urinetown by Greg Koltis and Mark Hollmann. 导演:里德·戴维斯



继承风 by Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. 李. 丹·考森导演

New Clothes for the Empress adapted and directed by Michael Cook [Jan Term]

穿绿裙子的洛尔卡 尼罗·克鲁兹. Directed by Rebecca Engle



纵火狂的 作者:马克斯·弗里施. Directed by Rebecca Engle

拇指姑娘 adapted and directed by Michael Cook [Jan Term]

Albee3, 爱德华·阿尔比独幕剧. 丹·考森导演 & 桑德拉Alassio



Good Night Desdemona, Good Morning Juliet 安妮-玛丽·麦克唐纳著. Directed by Frank Murray

Snow 白色 and the Seven Dwarfs adapted and directed by Michael Cook [Jan Term]

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice. 丹·考森导演



她屈服于征服 奥利弗·戈德史密斯. 丹·考森导演

《韩赛尔和格蕾特 adapted and directed by Michael Cook [Jan Term]

金星 苏珊-洛里·帕克斯. Directed by Rebecca Engle



Tales of the Lost Formicans 康斯坦斯·科格登著. Directed by Rebecca Engle

穿靴子的猫 adapted and directed by Michael Cook [Jan Term]

演员的噩梦/神 by Christopher Durang/Woody Allen. Directed by Frank Murray



Iphigenia and other Daughters 艾伦·麦克劳克林著. Directed by Rebecca Engle

灰姑娘 adapted and directed by Michael Cook [Jan Term]

我们的小镇 桑顿·怀尔德著. 丹·考森导演



Philadelphia, Here I Come! 作者:Brian Friel. 丹·考森导演

公主和豌豆 adapted and directed by Michael Cook [Jan Term]

走进森林 斯蒂芬·桑德海姆著. Directed by Frank Murray



罗森格兰兹 & 吉尔登斯特恩已经死了 作者:汤姆·斯托帕德. Directed by Frank Murray

丑小鸭 adapted and directed by Michael Cook [Jan Term]

阿拉巴马州的雨 希瑟·麦卡琴著. Directed by Rebecca Engle



卡拉马佐夫兄弟 by Dostoevsky, adapted by Anthony Clarvoe. Directed by Rebecca Engle

夏洛特的网 由E.B. 白色. Adapted and directed by Michael Cook [Jan Term]

假想的无效 在莫里哀. 丹·考森导演



《特洛伊女人》 在欧里庇得斯. Directed by Frank Murray

Most Valuable Player: The Jackie Robinson Story 玛丽·索菲特. Directed by Michael Cook [Jan Term]

拉曼查人 by Wasserman/Leigh/Darion. 丹·考森导演



小妇人 by Louisa May Alcott, directed by Michael Cook [Jan Term]

鼓起勇气 by Zora Neale Hurston, adapted by George C. 乌尔夫. Directed by Rebecca Engle



The House of Blue Leaves 作者:John Guare. Directed by Rebecca Engle

侏儒怪 adapted and directed by Michael Cook [Jan Term]

小王子 by Antoine de Saint-Exupery, adapted by Cummins & Scoullar. 丹·考森导演



希波吕托斯 在欧里庇得斯. 丹·考森导演 [Jan Term]

恐怖小店 通过清道夫 & Menken. Directed by Frank Murray