Jan Term 政策 & Requirements

Group photo in the American Southwest

For January Term 2024

January Term graduation requirements have changed! Please read below as the changes impact each graduating class slightly differently. We 强烈 encourage students to take a January Term class this year whether 要求 or not. January Term is a truly unique opportunity to explore new topics, on-campus or through travel, and nurture a passion for lifelong learning.

January Term Graduation Requirements

  • Graduation Requirements:
    • 一个3.0 CU (Carnegie Unit) JAN 100 course
    • 一个3.0 CU JAN 200-499 course


  • 解释
    • In their first year, students enroll in a 100-level JAN course.
    • Between their second and fourth year, students enroll in another JAN course at the 200, 300, or 400 level.
    • Jan Term is included in the cost of tuition, and students are encouraged to take a JAN course each year they are at Saint Mary’s.


  • For January 2024: Take a 100-level course (3.0 CUs). 这是 要求.
  • Graduation Requirements:
    • 一个3.0 CU (Carnegie Unit) JAN 100 course
    • 一个3.0 CU JAN 200-499 course


  • 解释
    • Students who completed a Jan Term course in JT23 have satisfied the 100-level requirement.
    • Between their second and fourth year, students enroll in another JAN course at the 200, 300, or 400 level.
    • 没有在2023年完成Jan学期课程的学生必须在第二年到第四年之间完成Jan的两项要求. 
    • 简学期包含在学费中,并且鼓励学生每年在圣玛丽学习简课程.


  • For January 2024: Take a 200, 300, or 400-level course 在 the second through fourth year. Taking a JAN class this year is 可选, 虽然 encouraged.
  • Graduation Requirements: 
    • 三个3.0 CU (Carnegie Unit) courses offered in January
    • Taking a course 在 January in the fourth year is 可选.**


  • 解释
    • Juniors no longer have four January Term course requirements. 
    • **Taking a course 在 January in the fourth year is 可选, 只要在一月份修完三门完整单元的课程即可. 
    • January Term classes no longer are dual-designated with other Core requirements. 
      • Junior-level students, 虽然, 为了达到JAN的毕业要求,你是否可以在一月份选修JAN课程或CORE课程. 
      • A limited number of CORE classes will be offered this January, 一个 IPE and 一个 GIP. 搜索 GX 2.0 under “January 2024” for “CORE” to see the course offerings or visit the January Term 2024 网站. 
    • 简学期包含在学费中,并且鼓励学生每年在圣玛丽学习简课程.


  • For January 2024: Take a 200, 300, or 400-level course offered 在 January. 这是 要求.
  • Graduation Requirements
    • 三个3.0 CU (Carnegie Unit) courses offered in January
    • Taking a course 在 January in the fourth year is 可选.**


  • 解释
    • Seniors no longer have four January Term course requirements. 
    • **Taking a class 在 January 2024 is 可选, 只要在一月份修完三门完整单元的课程即可.  
    • January Term classes no longer are dual-designated with other Core requirements. 
      • Senior-level students, 虽然, 你是否可以在一月份选修JAN课程或CORE课程,或者是为了满足CORE要求.  
      • A limited number of CORE classes will be offered this January, 一个 IPE and 一个 GIP. 搜索 GX 2.0 under “January 2024” for “CORE” to see the course offerings or visit the January Term 2024 网站. 
      • 今年1月选择不选课程的应届毕业生不需要采取任何额外措施. Academic Evaluations will be updated in the Spring. 
    • 简学期包含在学费中,并且鼓励学生每年在圣玛丽学习简课程.


  • For January 2024: Taking a course 在 January is 可选, 虽然 encouraged, 只要在一月份修完三门完整单元的课程即可.
  • Graduation Requirements: 
    • Requirements vary and are adjusted depending on the number of CUs transferred.


  • 解释
    • Starting with AY 22-23, students who transfer to Saint Mary’s with fewer than 30 CUs are 要求 to take two 3.0 CU JAN courses - JAN 200-499. 
    • Students who transfer to Saint Mary's with 30 or more CUs take two 3.0 CU JAN courses - 200-499. One JAN requirement will be waived for students who start in, 或之后, the Spring semester of their sophomore year.
    • 简学期包含在学费中,并且鼓励学生每年在圣玛丽学习简课程.


  • For January 2024: Check both your Academic Evaluation and with your academic advisor to make a plan for this year.


JAN classes can no longer be dual-designated with other Core requirements. Students seeking to take a Core requirement 在 January may consider taking 一个 of the “CORE” classes offered. A limited number of CORE classes will be offered this January, 一个 IPE and 一个 GIP. 搜索 GX 2.0 under “January 2024” for “CORE” to see the course offerings or visit the January Term 2024 网站.

For more information or questions, please start by contacting your academic advisor. Any additional questions can be directed to the January Term Office: janterm@lscarpet.net.

January Term Information & 政策

Class Attendance Policy for Students

出勤是一项重要的义务,也是学业成功的必要条件. Absences may seriously jeopardize the satisfactory completion of a course, 特别是在一月学期的密集形式中,一节课大约相当于一个长学期中一周的课. Accordingly, students are generally permitted just 一个 absence without academic penalty. 

In order to successfully engage in a January Term course and achieve, or demonstrate achievement of, the course learning objectives, students must be 现在 at least 80% of class sessions. Absences that exceed this amount result in course failure. 学校鼓励学生从一门课程中退学,并在接下来的一年中注册,而不是获得不及格的成绩. Regardless of quantity, absences do not excuse students from their academic responsibilities.


学生每上一小时的课至少要做两小时的课外作业,或者每一天的常规课程至少要做五小时的课外作业. Plan accordingly. Formal class instruction begins immediately on the first day of classes.

Students should check class schedules carefully. Most classes meet four days a week, 星期一, 外胎, 碰头, Fri schedule 虽然 some meet Mon through 碰头. During the week of the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday, all regularly scheduled on-campus classes will meet on a 外胎 through Fri schedule.


请注意,课程可能需要校外实地考察或参加常规课程时间以外的校园活动. 如果您对实地考察或校外活动有任何疑问,请直接与教师联系. 

通过/不及格(P/F)评分是为学术成绩良好的本科生提供的一种选择. Courses taken to satisfy the requirements of the Core Curriculum, including January Term, may not be taken on a P/F basis. For January Term classes taken as electives, the P/F grading option is available, unless it is a travel course. Petitions for P/F grading, which require the instructor's permission, are available from the 注册商's Office and must be filed by the Withdrawal Deadline. 

请注意:本科学生在SMC注册时,最多只能选择12个单元的P/F课程. A C- or higher on the regular grading scale is 要求 for a passing grade

If you are able to register for a January Term course, you may have your name placed on a waitlist for 一个 other course. If you are unable to register for a course, you may have your name placed on the waitlist for up to two courses

If you are wait-listed for a course, and a space becomes available in that class, 您将收到GaelXpress的电子邮件通知,允许您注册等候名单课程. You will have 48 hours, from the notification time, to register. If you do not have the prerequisites for the course, you must submit a Course Permission Form to the 注册商's Office. In this case, 你将不被允许注册这门课,而是需要联系注册办公室进行注册. Failure to register 在 the allotted time frame will cause you to be bypassed on the wait list, and GaelXpress will notify the next student in line.

If you register in the course, check GaelXpress to view your schedule as confirmation. If you do not want to have your course registration changed when a space comes open, please do not put your name on a waitlist, or be sure to have your name removed from any waitlist you might be on.

Please contact the 注册商's Office at 925.631.4214或以上 regoff@lscarpet.net with any questions about registration and waitlists.

1月学期的独立学习课程旨在让学生学习正常课程中没有的课程,或者在大学课程中更常用的方法之外通过实践经验学习. 这类课程是由学生根据自己对某一特定智力问题或研究领域的兴趣而开设的, and they allow students to work independently to pursue knowledge in the chosen area.



完整单元独立学习课程的建议仅限于二年级、三年级和四年级学生 at the time of registration with a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or better. 在任何情况下,受纪律处分留校察看或累计平均绩点低于2分的学生均不得入内.5 eligible for Independent Study in January. 学生通过独立学习,不超过第一学期必修课程的50%.

Please Note: "At the time of registration" means at the time of registration, not the end of the semester.


Faculty Sponsor

合格的学生在教师担保人的指导下工作,教师担保人建议学生准备提案, monitors the student's progress, and awards the grade and credit. Students are expected to have regular contact with their faculty sponsor, 虽然注重学生的独立工作和研究意味着他们见面的频率将低于定期安排的课程. 独立学习课程不允许学生在不同的时间或地点定期上课, they are not granted for internships, 它们不是一个教师给一个学生或一群学生上课的辅导课. It is the student's responsibility to find an appropriate faculty sponsor.

Please Note: Your sponsor must be an SMC faculty member. 


Academic Credit

Academic credit is granted for demonstrated academic learning. Since Independent Study courses earn college credit equal to normal January Term courses, they must have a clear academic focus and educational goal, 它们必须要求与正规大学课程同等质量和数量的学习. 一个特定的阅读清单,表明学术准备和准备工作足以使项目顺利完成, 以及一个明确的方法,通过该方法,教师赞助商可以评估学生的工作质量, are 要求 parts of a successful proposal. The proposal is the result of close consultation with the faculty sponsor.


Petition Submission

独立学习请愿书将在周日晚上11:59之前在线提交给注册办公室, 10月29日. Applicants should 附加 由于表格本身没有足够的空间来充分描述项目,因此建议采用此表格的教学大纲. No late proposals will be reviewed. 如果你的独立学习计划不被批准,强烈建议你注册1月份的常规课程.

When submitting your petition, please keep in mind the following: The January Term Program Committee is 非常 interested in 为什么 the project you have proposed should be completed 在 January. By contrast, 为什么不在一个典型的学期(秋季或春季)完成你所建议的独立学习呢?? 在您上传的教学大纲或在线请愿书的“内容”部分中包含对这个问题的明确答案.

Reviewing 建议

The January Term Committee will review proposals, 学生通常会在截止日期后的两周内被通知他们的提案是否被接受, 拒绝了, or returned for revision. 如果计划的独立学习涉及到校外学习(国内或国际), the proposal will also be sent to the Travel Risk Assessment Committee for further review.

Independent Study Petitions may be found on the 注册商's Office 网页.