

Your reservation is completed when the Saint Mary's Guest 住房 服务 staff acknowledges receipt of your reservation. 在此之前,保留将被视为临时保留.

可以用信用卡在线付款. 支付您的住宿费用的任何未付余额, any additional days and any extras incurred will be payable upon departure.

您可以在抵达前48小时取消预订. 如果你在48小时内取消通知, 未在入住日期入住(未出现), 或者在出发日期之前离开, we reserve the right to charge you for the full balance due for the entirety of your reservation.

In the unlikely event that we are forced to cancel your reservation, 由于我们无法控制的情况, 我们将尽力为您提供其他住宿. If suitable accommodations are not available (or unacceptable to you) then we will refund any monies already paid by you and confirm that you will not be liable for any further payments to the College.

办理登机手续的时间是下午三点. 客人将通过电子邮件获知如何领取钥匙. The primary guest must be a minimum of 18 years old, with a valid photo ID to check-in. 18岁以下的客人需由成人陪同. 提前登记取决于是否有空位. 

退房时间是上午11点. Upon departure, guests must leave their room key in the room for which they are staying. 请告知在离开后发生的任何费用,如.e. 清洁、损坏或钥匙更换费用将被收取. Failure to return all room keys to the College will result in a $50.00(每把钥匙)更换钥匙费用. We ask that you finalize your bill prior to your departure during our regular office hours.

延迟退房是基于可用性.  Guests interested in a late check-out should call 925-631-4238 at least one business day prior to the departure date.  Approved late check-outs after 11am, but before 2pm will result in a $50.00 charge and after 2pm will result in a charge of a full-day rate.  

We are sure that you will take care of the room during your stay at the College, 然而,我们承认事故有时会发生. 我们所做的, 然而, reserve the right to charge for any damage or breakages which we consider to be deliberately or recklessly ca使用d, 在你离开后发现遗失的物品, or for the cost of the room for any time period for which it is considered un-usable due to damage. You will receive an invoice for the charges to be settled on departure. 如果在您离开后发现损坏/破损, you will be notified of any charges in writing as soon as is reasonably practicable, 在你离开后5天内结清.

A 访问or's parking permit is required to park in the parking lots near the Guest 住房 unit. 在其他校园停车场停车时,请注意安全, 因为这些地段可能是限制停车场. 非法停车的车辆, or in a restricted area without proper permit displayed may be ticketed or towed by 校园安全. Please contact 校园安全 for information regarding parking permits. 

宠物不允许进入大楼. Service animals are permitted to accompany guest with disabilities in most College facilities. Please consult with staff at time of booking regarding the College's policies regarding Assistance Animals.

Please be respectful to our residence hall and all of the amenities within them. We work very hard to accommodate our guests and make sure they have the best stay possible. 维护好自己的房间是你的责任. Upon departure, please return the room back to the condition it was in when you arrived. Units requiring extra cleaning or damages after check-out will result in additional charges.

吸烟 is prohibited in our guest rooms and within 20 feet of any buildings or windows. 如果我们发现客人在房间里吸烟, 或者距离建筑物或窗户20英尺内, 那么我们保留要求您立即离开的权利. 你仍须支付你逗留期间的全部费用. 不管你是否被要求离开, we also reserve the right to charge a sum equivalent to one night's stay if we are unable to re-book the room for 24 hours while it is fully aired. 如果在你离开后发现吸烟的证据, you will be notified of any charges in writing as soon as is reasonably practicable and invoiced for all charges.

购买, 占有, 使用, 分布, or manufacture of illegal drugs and the 占有 and 使用 of unauthorized alcoholic beverages on College premises or as part of any College activity is prohibited, except where alcohol is authorized and served at a College sponsored function to persons age 21 or older and in compliance with applicable law. 除本政策所允许的以外, consumption of alcoholic beverages is not permitted in any classroom building or within public areas of the College. As it is against the law for anyone under 21 years of age to consume alcohol, anyone found purchasing alcohol or providing alcohol to persons under 21 years of age, will have the alcohol confiscated from them and will be asked to leave immediately. 该事件将报告给莫拉加警察局.  

就本政策而言, 非法毒品是指不能合法获得的毒品, 还有合法获得的毒品, 但用于非法目的或滥用. 当地的, state and federal laws establish severe penalties for unlawful 占有 or 分布 of illicit drugs and unauthorized alcohol. Anyone found using or under the influence of illegal drugs or substances will be reported to the police and asked to leave the premises. Any evidence or suspicion of drug 使用 on our premises will also be reported immediately to the police.

为了安全起见,所有客人必须登记. All guests must agree to abide by our policy that occupancy is restricted to only the registered guests in the unit. Guests should be aware that our guest policies at Saint Mary's College of California may differ from guest or residence hall policies experienced at other camp使用s, and may differ from our residence hall policies held at Saint Mary's College of California. 违反规定的客人可能会被要求离开.

我们所做的 not accept any liability for damage to your property or injury to you (or other members of your party) while on our premises unless ca使用d by the negligence of us, 或者我们的员工. 停放在我们停车场的车辆,风险由您自行承担. Saint Mary's College of California is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.