SMC 国家授权 Policies and Procedures

SMC 国家授权 Policies and Procedures

Saint Mary’s College of 加州 国家授权 Policies and Procedures


The US Department of Education oversees compliance with regulations 政府erning the ability of institutions to offer online distance education programs to students located outside of 加州. Individual states also oversee the programming Saint Mary’s offers, and some states require authorization for having online distance education students in the state. Saint Mary’s is authorized to offer online distance education on a state-by-state basis.

Student Declaration of Current Physical Location

To comply with federal Title IV regulations 政府erning distance education, Saint Mary’s is required to verify students’ current physical locations prior to engaging in financial transactions. 也, to comply with state authorization regulations 政府erning distance education, Saint Mary’s is required to verify students’ locations prior to each semester of registration. Students are required to confirm their location before registering for courses throughout the year via GaelXpress 2.0 Self-Service to confirm their official address of record as the location in which they will be engaging in the online distance education coursework in the upcoming term. A student is required to report to the 注册商’s Office any change in their physical location during the semester; the change needs to be reported in advance of moving. If a student moves from their current authorized location to a state where Saint Mary’s is not authorized to provide online distance education, we will be unable to support their continued enrollment. If a student thinks they may relocate or have concerns about this, they should contact their program for an explanation of their options.

If a student’s current location is outside the state of 加州 and the student is enrolled in a Saint Mary’s online distance education program, the student should also check the information below to verify that Saint Mary’s is authorized to offer distance education to students physically located in that state. 

List of 国家授权s and Exemptions, and Related 招生 Restrictions


  • 亚利桑那州
  • 加州
  • 科罗拉多州
  • 康涅狄格
  • 佛罗里达
  • 夏威夷
  • 爱达荷州
  • 伊利诺斯州
  • 印第安纳州
  • 内布拉斯加州
  • 内华达
  • 新泽西
  • New York (authorized for the LEAP and MBA programs 只有)
  • 俄亥俄州
  • 俄克拉何马州
  • 南卡罗来纳
  • 南达科塔州
  • 田纳西州
  • 德州
  • 华盛顿
  • 西维吉尼亚州


  • 阿拉巴马州
  • 阿拉斯加
  • 阿肯色州
  • 特拉华州
  • District of Columbia (authorization application in process)
  • 乔治亚州
  • 爱荷华州
  • 堪萨斯
  • 肯塔基州
  • 路易斯安那州
  • 缅因州
  • 马里兰
  • 麻萨诸塞州
  • 密歇根
  • 明尼苏达州
  • 密西西比州
  • 密苏里州
  • 蒙大拿
  • 新汉普郡
  • 新墨西哥
  • North Carolina (effective January 1, 2023 - applies to all applicants from the Spring 2023 admissions cycle and onward)
  • 北达科他
  • Oregon (authorization application in process)
  • 宾西法尼亚
  • 罗德岛州
  • 犹他州
  • 佛蒙特州
  • 维吉尼亚州
  • 威斯康辛州
  • 怀俄明


Any individual may contact The Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education for review of a complaint. The bureau may be contacted at 2535 Capitol Oaks Drive, Suite 400, Sacramento, CA 95833,, 916.431.6924(电话),916.263.1897(传真). 

Students residing outside 加州 can also contact their local Office of Higher Education to  submit a complaint. Please click here to download the Student Complaint Information by State and Agency.

Last Updated: October 2023