校友亮点:Sanika Lahane, 2018年商业分析硕士

by C.H. 罗宾逊 | 2021年3月12日

Sanika Lahane - MSBA ‘18


Sanika is a driven, 有思想,工作非常努力,通过学习新技能和参观新地方来挑战自己. 她感谢十大正规网赌平台的教职员工在她的项目之前和期间给予的惊人支持, 和 Business Analytics alum, John Erl和son for his support 和 guidance.

Originally from Mumbai, 她在普纳大学(Savitribai Phule Pune University)攻读金融专业工商管理硕士学位. 在金融领域工作了4年后,她决定进一步追求薪酬和福利,专攻分析,并随后完成了人力资源MBA学位.

From the age of 9, Sanika dreamed of moving to California, but put it on hold as she pursued her education. After a number of years working in finance, 她意识到,她的分析思维可能更适合商业分析领域的工作. After extensive research, 她发现十大正规网赌平台(Saint Mary’s College)开设了一个位于硅谷的商业分析项目,其时间表和课程结构与她的兴趣和搬到加州的梦想完美契合. 

Sanika在完成她的课程时遇到了她最好的朋友,他们变得如此亲密, both were married to their respective hub和s on the same day! 她在项目和新事业上的成功证明了她的努力和决心, as well as her many positive experiences while at Saint Mary's. 就连她的丈夫也觉得自己是圣玛丽社区的一员,因为他听过很多她的故事!

Why did you choose Saint Mary’s College? Did you consider any other Universities?

诚实, 我考虑了一些个人推荐,而且mba的课程结构使它成为一个明确的选择. 作为一个非技术背景的人,如此详细的课程结构是我的首要任务. 

The amazing staff 和 professors were like a cherry on the top. Moving to a new country was overwhelming but Ashley Machado, 国际项目中心(CIP)让这个过程变得如此简单和热情. CIP helped us with literally everything; new student orientation, documentation 和 identification support (DL/State ID, Curricuar Practical Training 和 Optional Practical Training), 和 advice on how to live in a new country. A special shout out to Ashley Machado 和 team, you guys rock.

What is your fondest memory of Saint Mary’s?

Fondest memory, 手了, 和我最好的朋友卡鲁娜·库玛丽组队,一起迎接挑战, working hard to get an A, keeping each other motivated, learning about new culture(s), attending 数据峰会, 和 ultimately graduating together. 卡鲁纳和我是在莫拉加校区的国际学生迎新会上认识的,我们一见倾心. Being international students, 更令人兴奋的是,我们学到了这么多,成为学校的一部分. We often traveled to Moraga to hangout on campus. Our friendship got deeper as we explored everything together,  especially 数据峰会 (Index-IBM, 甲骨文, Dreamforce-Salesforce). 


I would say patience 和 perseverance. 作为计算机语言和技术程序的新手,这当然需要更多的努力和耐心. 这门课程激发了我创造性和创新的一面,鼓励我在项目中跳出常规思维. 每个科目都有一个项目和一个测试,我认为这是学习和执行的完美结合.


I use various technical skills, tools 和 programing 语言 like SQL, 表, Python, R工作室, 等. in my work today. What really helped was the projects we did as a part of our test, 是什么帮助我们把整个季度学到的东西和最终的工作联系起来.

例如, 在我们的金融分析课上,我们在《十大网赌平台》上创建了一个团队简介, a virtual trading application that provides realistic, 教育, 和 engaging stock market simulations. 项目的一部分包括报告和展示我们的投资组合, with detailed explanation on the stocks we chose, trends we monitored, 利润/亏损, 和 recommendations. This helped in developing skills like teamwork, getting on the same page, technical skills, 和 soft skills. 

在SMC工作期间,你遇到过挑战或障碍吗? How did you overcome it? 你使用/学习/应用了什么技能或资源来克服这个挑战? 

好吧! 这确实是一个挑战,一切都是如此的新鲜,与我的背景截然不同. 我不能强调所有的教授都帮助我克服了这一点,他们几乎是24小时待命(不是开玩笑)。. Growing up 和 even before starting the course, 我的父母总是强调:“努力是不可替代的。!” 和 in this course I knew I would need lots of it.

More than a challenge it was the excitement of jumping into Tech. The wonders we can do with a simple code, that AHA!! 时刻. I have always believed it is great to learn new skills, 语言, 和工具,但了解当前的市场和行业是什么样子的, for sure gives you the edge. I started attending every data summit, 每一个聚会, 以及每个科技博览会,以了解趋势以及我应该探索的领域. 这不仅帮助我做出了正确的职业选择,还帮助我获得了宝贵的人脉. 学生们可以获得这些数据峰会的特别通行证/价格,并有很多机会了解市场趋势和与行业专家会面, look for internships 等. (相信我! This does help A LOT!)

在你的学习过程中,你有导师或对你影响很大的人吗? (faculty, staff, alumni or external)

我所有的教授都非常乐于助人,他们不厌其烦地确保我们做对了. 我从来没有遇到过一位教授在课后熬夜或熬夜,用同样的兴奋和耐心多次解释同一个概念. I really want to thank 教授. Navid Sabbaghi, 教授. 名字Elfiky教授. Ameera易卜拉欣, it was not possible without you guys. Since I am thanking people who helped me through, I would also like to thank John Erl和son, a Saint Mary’s alumni who guided me since day 1 to even today. 多亏了他, I l和ed this amazing internship in my current company, 和最好的团队一起工作,还得到了一份全职工作,每天都在继续学习新东西. Thank you for being my mentor, John!


老实说,我在商业分析和数据科学方面的职业生涯是从十大正规网赌平台开始的. For a student like me, from a completely non-technical background, a course structure like MSBA was perfect for a smooth transition. The way it [the program] was designed, it covered all the tools 和 语言 in every domain, which also broadened my job options. The capstone project was a crucial part of the course. 我相信,这给了我一个如何将课程应用于实际市场项目的想法. 我想说这是一段奇妙的旅程——课程结构的结合, 数据峰会, 聚会和教授都把我塑造成了今天的我,并帮助我努力建立自己的事业.

What do you like to do in your free time?

I am a home baker, fashion designer 和 a traveler. I love to split my free time between making creative, 健康的, 还有美味佳肴,离我环游世界的梦想又近了一步 !! 我喜欢在世界地图上标出我去过的地方,还喜欢在冰箱门上贴满磁铁.