Placement Exams


确保圣玛丽的所有学生都为他们所修的课程做好准备, all classes at Saint Mary's have prerequisites. These prerequisites vary by course and can be found in the Catalog. 所有新生都将有一位学术顾问,他将确保他们在第一学期被安排在合适的课程上,并在未来的学期中帮助他们做出正确的课程选择. 

For incoming students, Writing, Foreign Language, and Mathematics are often the areas with the most questions. Please read the below

Writing Studies Placement

写作研究项目使用定向自我安置(DSP)来安排学生在第一年的写作课上. DSP过程使用对课程的调查和描述来指导学生选择最适合他们所准备的学术写作的写作课程路径. In the DSP process, 学生在决定哪门写作课程路径上承担代理责任:WRIT 100和WRIT 200课程顺序, or WRIT 101 and WRIT 201-230 course sequence. 如果国际学生和交换学生在写作方面需要额外的支持,他们将注册一个补充学分的独立学习课程.

完成WRIT 100和200或WRIT 101和WRIT 201 - 230是毕业所必需的,通常在大学的头两年完成.


如果你有关于你的安置或在线写作安置问卷的问题, please contact the Director of Writing Studies at

Second Language Proficiency Requirement

第二语言的学习是十大正规网赌平台核心课程目标的重要组成部分, 所有本科生都必须熟练掌握一门外语. 学生也可以通过古典语言系的拉丁语或希腊语课程来满足他们的语言要求. 

There are various means for you to demonstrate proficiency; please refer to the webpage of World Languages and Cultures for more information.

强烈鼓励新生参加外语分班考试,除非他们已经成功地完成了三年的同一语言并获得了3分.0 GPA or higher each term. The Placement Exam should be taken online at prior to attending orientation. 学生应联系语言安置和能力协调员,他们将帮助他们获得在线考试.  学生每学年可参加一次分班考试,成绩有效期为一学年. For placement in all other languages, 学生必须联系世界语言和文化系的安置和能力协调员.

The results of the online Foreign Language Placement Diagnostic Exam are used solely for placement purposes; scores are not recorded on transcripts or academic records.  用你想学的语言参加考试可以让我们更准确地为你定位.  The exam is web-based, 可以在你的个人电脑上或在图书馆的计算机实验室里随时进行吗.  完成考试大约需要40分钟到一个小时,通过一个唯一的用户名和密码登录,该用户名和密码将通过电子邮件提供给每个学生.

我们提供以下语言的考试:法语、德语、意大利语、日语和西班牙语. 参加过拉丁语或希腊语课程的学生应联系古典语言系.  请将您希望参加的语言考试发邮件给Dr. Maria Luisa Ruiz at, 

Additional information about the exam, including a user name and password, will be provided at this time.

Additionally, if you have:

1) Recently received your AP language or literature exam scores,

2) Received your final grade in your most recent language class, or

3) Lived immersed in a language other than English, whether at home or abroad, please share this information with the Department Chair. 


  • If you intend to study a new language, you can enroll in level 001 and do not have to take the placement exam. 如果你继续学习高中时学过的语言, we highly recommend that you take the placement exam.
  • 达到004级或更高水平的学生有资格在学年期间参加书面和口头能力考试,以满足语言要求. Please contact Dr. Maria Luisa Ruiz at,  

Statement on Academic Honesty

  • 十大正规网赌平台希望其社区的每一位成员都遵守学术荣誉守则. According to the Code, “Academic dishonesty is a serious violation of College policy because, among other things, 它破坏了社区成员之间的信任和诚实.”  As a practical matter, 荣誉守则要求你提交的任何作品都必须是你自己的, unless specifically indicated otherwise by your instructor.  违反本准则的行为包括但不限于在测验或考试中抄袭和作弊.  学术荣誉守则的全文可以在学生手册中找到. 如果有理由怀疑你违反了学术荣誉守则, 你将被转介到学术荣誉委员会进行进一步审查和/或适当的处罚.
  • Examples of academic integrity violations include (but are not limited to): communicating -- in any format -- with other students about exam or quiz questions; taking credit for someone else’s work; using some else’s words as your own; searching online (i.e. “谷歌”)来寻找家庭作业或考试问题的解决方案(是的,这只是一个行为 looking is a violation); or accessing any online “help” platform, such as Chegg or Cramster, for aid with any graded work.  In addition, 未经导师明确许可,将SMC课程中的任何内容发布到任何网站或场所(在线或其他方式)也是违反学术诚信的行为.  学生如果知道学术诚信受到侵犯,却没有向老师报告,也违反了荣誉守则, even if they did not commit the initial infraction.

If you have additional questions, please visit the Frequently Asked Questions page on the World Languages and Cultures website.